
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Netflix streaming: I Hated It: Jobs: A movie more concerned about the products than the man

Jobs (2013) PosterThe whole time I was watching Jobs I was comparing it to The Social Network, which obviously isn’t fair because the two movies are on totally different playing fields. However, they are both about two influential men who were plagued with legal problems as well as social problems.

            I knew very little about Steve Jobs before this movie. I knew he started the Apple computer, the iPod and all that stuff was his, I knew he wasn’t a good father and that he didn’t think he needed to bathe. That’s all I knew about him, and in regards to Mark Zuckerberg who The Social Network was about, I knew even less about, but The Social Network showed me more about him, made him a human – well, an a-hole – and somebody that in the end I pitied and made me glad that I would probably never understand a guy like that. The movie Jobs showed me nothing all the stuff I already knew and other stuff that in the end showed me nothing about the man.

            I saw plenty of the products he was making, though. I mean, I didn’t want to keep track of every time the movie showed a computer board, or a computer, or a drawing of a computer, and played music along with it signifying that something amazing is happening here because it would have given me a headache. I think back to The Social Network and though I’m sure they did show the actual Facebook during the movie, for the life of me I cannot recall if they did for certain or not. In Jobs, though, they sure as shit showed a ton of the products that Jobs is famous for making, I mean seriously, they showed it a lot, and the music was so forced and the acting . . . oh Jesus do not get me started on the acting – too late.

To be brief and to the point: Ashton Kutcher seems to be mocking Steve Jobs
instead of impersonating him.

            Now I ain’t no actor, I just know what I like and what I feel works. Maybe some who see this movie feels that AK got Steve Jobs, I mean really captured him – great, fine, but to me, he did not. To me it was like something you’d see on an SNL skit, and I don’t mean to say that it was horrible acting – though it weren’t good that’s for sure, it just didn’t seem real. That guy who played Zuckerberg seemed to me to be getting the guy and he portrayed him well.

            I don’t know if all of this relies on the story, directing, or if it is just the acting, all I know is Ashton Kutcher a good Steve Jobs does not make.

            The guy who played Steve Wozniak, Josh Gad, that guy did a good job, he was funny and believable; pretty much everyone else in the movie did well (although J.K. Simmons wasn’t in it much, and when he was he didn’t have much to do other than glare at AK, which I can only assume was because of his acting).

            The movie was at times interesting; it’s just that it chose to show more of what was not at all interesting. Jobs dropping acid? I mean, is it ever interesting to see a character high on drugs and all you see is their reaction to things that no one else can see? Not to me, and I’d wager not too many others either.

            The movie starts with Steve Jobs presenting the first iPod. My wife sat through this much of the movie (she lasted up to the acid trip scene) and I rolled my eyes while everyone in the room was applauding the iPod and Jobs and my wife said that when it was released it was a big deal, downloading music and all that. I get that, I said, I mean, I’m younger than my wife but not that young, I was around and remember the iPod (mostly I remember the commercials and how cool it was to have an iPod (according to the commercials)) I know it was big deal when it was released, but at this point it hasn’t been released (at least that’s what I understod) he’s showing off the first one ever completed and all – there is no way all those people knew right then how massive it would be. I’m sure some knew, but I just can’t believe that so many people could see it for what it would become before it was even on the market.

I mean, isn’t everything a gamble until it’s a hit?

            One last problem with the film was that during the acid trip Jobs talks – briefly, like a sentence – in a wondering way about how his mom could have given him up for adoption. I am adopted, and you’d be surprised how this one thing can affect a person. There are some who are adopted and they’re cool, I on the other hand – for whatever genetic or natural reason – was bothered by the fact that my mom gave me up. People would talk to me and tell me she probably had a good reason, and I can understand that, I understand it wasn’t easy for her, but damn it it still bugs me that I couldn’t have stayed with her. My adoptive parents are great and all, I got no complaints, but still . . . ya know . . . it bugs me. I have met my biological mom several times, and even my biological brothers, and managed to meet my biological father once before he passed away, so I know I have it better than some, but still it’s a thing to me.

            Steve Jobs, on the other hand, is apparently bothered by his mother giving him up, but then later in the movie he completely ignores a daughter who is proven genetically to be his. No matter what, Steve Jobs wants nothing to do with her. This is totally wrong and opposite to what we’re led to think about him earlier in the movie.

            Okay he’s a changed man – but that change is not shown at all! He just gets big into computers and making money and all of a sudden doesn’t want kids, only to turn around and start a family later on in life? The movie does a very poor job of relaying any of the drive behind these rather important choices. To go from wondering about being given up for adoption and a few years later wanting nothing to do with your child, it is completely out of left field and a better movie would have covered it in a way that made it meaningful and given it the sort of weight such things deserve (I may be alone, but that kind of stuff is WAY more important than how they came up with the name for their company – which made me laugh so hard in how horrible it was that I had to pause the movie I was laughing so hard).

            Like I said, though, this movie isn’t interested in the man, it’s interested in the legend of the man, and with people like Steve Jobs, the actual man is much more interesting than the legend that we got to see and read about on a regular basis. 

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